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Recast Mortgage: An In-Depth Guide

This comprehensive guide explores the concept of a recast mortgage, its workings, advantages, and important considerations. Mortgages are a vital aspect of the modern real estate market, offering the means to acquire property through manageable payments. The dynamics of a mortgage can change significantly when a borrower chooses to recast their mortgage. 

Recast Mortgage
Recast Mortgage

Recast Mortgage: An In-Depth Guide

Key Takeaways:

  • A recast mortgage involves a lump sum payment towards the principal balance, resulting in lower monthly payments.
  • It’s a cost-effective alternative to refinancing as it doesn’t require a credit check or appraisal.
  • Not all mortgages qualify for recasting, and it’s typically available for conventional loans only.

Introduction to Recast Mortgage

Recasting a mortgage is a financial strategy that can significantly impact a homeowner’s payment schedule and overall financial planning. But what exactly is a mortgage recast?

What is a Recast Mortgage?

A mortgage recast is when a borrower makes a significant lump-sum payment towards their principal balance. This payment leads to amortizing the mortgage recalculating the monthly payments based on the new, reduced ratio while keeping the interest rate and term unchanged. It’s a practical approach for homeowners who find themselves with excess cash and wish to reduce their monthly financial burden without altering the overall duration of their loan.

How Does Recast Mortgage Work?

Understanding the mechanics of a recast mortgage is crucial for any homeowner considering this option.

Process and Steps Involved

Here’s a step-by-step breakdown of how mortgage recasting typically works:

  1. Make a Lump-Sum Payment: A substantial amount, often a minimum of $10,000, is paid towards the loan’s principal
  2. Reamortization of the Loan: The lender recalculates the monthly payment schedule based on the reduced principal amount.
  3. Maintained Interest Rate and Term: The original interest rate and loan term remain unchanged, ensuring the stability of the mortgage structure.

You can achieve a deep understanding of this process from this informative video: [1]

Pros and Cons of Recasting Your Mortgage

Like any financial decision, recasting a mortgage comes with its own set of advantages and drawbacks.

Advantages of Mortgage Recasting

  • Lower Monthly Payments: The most significant benefit is the reduction in monthly mortgage payments, making it easier to manage monthly expenses
  • Simplified Process: Unlike refinancing, recasting doesn’t require a credit check or home appraisal, making it a more straightforward option.
  • Cost-Effective: There are no closing costs associated with recasting, only a small administrative fee.

Drawbacks of Mortgage Recasting

  • Limited Availability: Only some lenders offer mortgage recasting, which applies to some types.
  • Large Lump-Sum Payment Required: Homeowners must have significant cash to make the lump-sum payment.
  • Interest Rate and Term Remain the Same: The recast does not shorten the loan term or alter the interest rate.

Eligibility and Requirements for Mortgage Recasting

Understanding which loans are eligible for a mortgage recast is critical to making an informed decision.

Qualifying Mortgages

Only certain types of loans are eligible for recasting:

  • Conventional Loans: These include loans conforming to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac standards and jumbo loans
  • Government-Backed Mortgages Not Eligible: Loans like FHA, VA, and USDA cannot be recast.

Prerequisites for Recasting

Before proceeding with a mortgage recast, it’s essential to:

  • Check Loan Status: Ensure you’re up to date with your mortgage payments and have not made any late payments in the past 12 months.
  • Contact Your Lender: Verify if your lender permits recasting and inquire about any specific requirements or fees

Comparing Mortgage Recast to Refinancing

A common dilemma for homeowners is choosing between a mortgage recast and refinancing. While both can lower monthly payments, they cater to different financial scenarios.

Differences Between Recast and Refinancing

  • Refinancing involves funding a new mortgage to replace the existing one, potentially with a different interest rate and loan term.
  • Recast: Focuses on recalculating the existing mortgage based on a reduced principal amount.

When to Choose Each Option

  • Recast: Ideal for those who have received a lump sum and want to reduce their monthly expenses without altering the overall mortgage structure.
  • Refinance: Suitable for those looking to change their interest rate, loan term, or both.

This detailed comparison video provides further insights: [1]

In the next part of this guide, we will delve into practical aspects and considerations, such as when to consider a recast, the financial implications, and real-life examples of successful mortgage recasts.

This section delves into the practical aspects of recasting a mortgage. It provides a detailed guide on when to consider it, its financial implications, and real-world examples.

When to Consider a Mortgage Recast

Knowing when to opt for a mortgage recast can significantly influence its effectiveness.

Ideal Scenarios for Recasting

  • After Selling a Previous Property: Utilizing proceeds from the sale to lower the mortgage on a new home​.
  • Receiving a Large Sum of Money: An inheritance or a substantial bonus can be wisely used for recasting.

Step-by-Step Guide to Recasting Your Mortgage

Understanding the process is crucial for a smooth recasting experience.

Procedure for Recasting

  1. Review Mortgage Status: Ensure you’re current with payments and haven’t had late payments in the past year.
  2. Contact Lender: Verify if recasting is an option with your lender.
  3. Determine Lump-Sum Amount: The amount required varies with lenders; it could be a flat amount or a percentage of the loan balance​.
  4. Apply and Pay: Pay the lump sum and any associated fee once approved.

Financial Implications of Mortgage Recasting

The financial impact of recasting a mortgage can be substantial and long-lasting.

Impact on Monthly Payments and Long-Term Planning

  • Reduced Monthly Payments: The immediate and most tangible effect is the decrease in monthly mortgage payments.
  • Long-Term Savings: Lower payments can lead to significant savings, especially interest payments.

Real-Life Examples of Successful Mortgage Recasts

  • Case Study 1: A homeowner uses an inheritance to recast, significantly reducing their monthly financial burden.
  • Case Study 2: After selling their previous property, a borrower 

Author Bio: Greg Sandler
Greg Sandler is a distinguished leader and strategist in the mortgage and real estate investment industry. With over two decades of experience, Greg has honed his expertise in guiding his clients to build wealth through real estate.

Greg Sandler has direct and first-hand experience as co-founder and CEO of USA Investment Group Management Inc., focusing on growing real estate holdings and diversified asset portfolios. Under Greg's guidance, the company has executed hundreds of traditional real estate acquisitions and currently manages a substantial portfolio of rental units.

Greg also has a track record of driving multi-million-dollar revenues and leading high-performing teams to success in mortgage loan originations, achieving the prestigious "Top 1% Originator" status in consecutive years. Currently steering the helm as the President at USALending.AI in Keller, TX, Greg has revitalized this division of a mortgage bank, significantly expanding the company's scale.

Prior to this, Greg's role as Senior Vice President at Fairway Independent Mortgage Corp in Rocklin, CA, was marked by his pivotal contribution in establishing the company's presence in northern California and northern Nevada. Under Greg's leadership, his team of nearly 110 dedicated mortgage professionals originated and funded approximately $800 million in residential mortgages annually.

Greg's professional journey is marked by his exceptional skills in negotiation, sales leadership, financial analysis, and P&L management. His ability to strategize, coupled with his in-depth knowledge of the mortgage and real estate sectors, makes him a visionary leader and a respected figure in the industry.

To book a call with Greg Sandler, please visit:

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